Sparsh Khanchandani, an Indian film and television child actress, made her debut in the entertainment industry with the lead character of Young Ichcha in the successful and long-running television show "Uttaran." Her portrayal of Young Ichcha earned her fame and critical acclaim. In 2008, she appeared in the show "Dill Mill Gayye" as Sweety on Star One.
One of the notable achievements in Sparsh's career is winning the Gr8! Young Achievers Award in 2010, presented by the Indian Television Academy. She has not only excelled in acting but has also ventured into dubbing. Sparsh serves as the Hindi voice for Princess Sofia in the popular animated series "Sofia the First" since 2014.
Sparsh Khanchandani has showcased her versatility by participating in various television shows. Apart from "Uttaran" and "Dill Mill Gayye," she has been part of shows like "Zara Nachke Dikha" in 2010, "Gulaal" in 2011, and "Parvarrish" from 2011 to 2013, where she played the role of Raashi. She also appeared in the long-running crime thriller series "C.I.D." in 2012 and 2014 as Shreya. In 2018, Sparsh took on the role of Preth pari in the series "Vikram Betaal Ki Rahasya Gatha" on &TV.
In the film industry, Sparsh Khanchandani has made significant contributions. She played the role of Young Meena Hasina in the 2014 movie "Meena: Half The Sky," a Hollywood film directed by actress Lucy Liu. Additionally, she appeared in the film "Hichki" in 2018, playing the character Oru. Sparsh has also been part of the movie "Shivalika," where she portrayed the character Tia.
With her talent and accomplishments, Sparsh Khanchandani has made a mark in both the television and film industries, showcasing her skills as an actress and a dubbing artist.