The Freelancer

"The Freelancer," a gripping Indian Hindi-language action thriller television series, debuted on Disney+ Hotstar on September 1, 2023. Created and written by Neeraj Pandey, with Bhav Dhulia directing, the series is a production of Shital Bhatia under the Friday Storytellers banner. Starring Mohit Raina, Anupam Kher, and Kashmira Pardeshi, the show unfolds a suspenseful narrative of honor, sacrifice, and redemption.


The storyline revolves around Inayat Khan and Avinash Kamath, former Mumbai Police officers. Dismissed from the force due to their refusal to turn a blind eye to a politician's son's crimes, their paths diverge. Avinash becomes a military freelancer, while Inayat faces hardships in finding a new job. Inayat's daughter, Aliya, gets married to Mohsin Fazal, leading to a shocking turn of events when the Fazal family joins ISIS during a trip to Turkey. Inayat, desperate to rescue his daughter, stages his own death to grab the attention of Avinash, the only person he believes can save Aliya. The plot takes unexpected twists, involving radicalization, espionage, and a daring rescue mission led by Avinash.


  • Mohit Raina as Avinash Damodharan Kamath alias "The Freelancer"
  • Anupam Kher as Dr. Arif Ajmaal Khan
  • Kashmira Pardeshi as Aleeya Khan / Rukhsaar Ahmed / Sonia Shah
  • Ayesha Raza Mishra as Sabeena Khan
  • Manjari Fadnis as Mrunal Kamath
  • Sarah-Jane Dias as CIA Agent Radha Lampat Baxi
  • Sushant Singh as Inayat Khan
  • And many others, each contributing to the series' intensity and depth.


Announced by Friday Storytellers on Disney+ Hotstar, the series is based on Shirish Thorat's "A Ticket to Syria" (2017). Principal photography took place in 2022, spanning locations in Mumbai, Morocco, Europe, America, and the Middle East. The series' setting in Syria adds a layer of authenticity to the narrative. The trailer, released on August 8, 2023, heightened anticipation for this high-stakes thriller.

Critical Reception:

While opinions vary, critical assessments provide insight into the series' impact. Anuj Kumar of The Hindu described it as "formulaic and farcical," lacking high-octane action or deep insight. On the contrary, Archika Khurana of The Times of India gave it a 3.5 out of 5, praising the engaging plot, tension-filled atmosphere, and effective storytelling.


"The Freelancer" emerges as a noteworthy addition to Neeraj Pandey's portfolio, delivering a rollercoaster of emotions, from despair to redemption. The series explores themes of familial sacrifice, radicalization, and the unwavering bond between two friends turned allies. With its international setting and a cast delivering compelling performances, "The Freelancer" stands out as a must-watch for fans of suspenseful thrillers.

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