Her journey in the entertainment world began with a significant breakthrough in the Bhojpuri cinema industry. Amrapali made her stellar debut with a leading role in the film "Nirahua Hindustani," where she starred opposite Dinesh Lal Yadav, also known as 'Nirahua.' This marked the commencement of her successful career in Bhojpuri cinema, earning her recognition and admiration from audiences.
Apart from her notable presence in Bhojpuri films, Amrapali Dubey has showcased her talent in Hindi television serials as well. She appeared in prominent shows like "Saat Phere" (2008-09), "Maayka" (2009), "Mera Naam Karegi Roshan" (2010) on Zee TV, and "Rehna Hai Teri Palkon Ki Chhaon Mein" (2009-10) on NDTV, displaying her versatility across various genres and mediums.
Amrapali Dubey's remarkable contributions to Bhojpuri cinema include her involvement in successful film series such as "Nirahua Hindustani," "Patna Se Pakistan," and "Nirahua Chalal Sasural." Her consistent dedication to her craft and captivating performances have propelled her to new heights of fame and popularity within the Bhojpuri film fraternity.
Continuing her journey in the Bhojpuri film industry, Amrapali Dubey remains a prominent figure, garnering increasing acclaim and admiration. Her talent, charm, and dedication to her craft have solidified her position as one of the leading actresses in Bhojpuri cinema.
As of recent updates, Amrapali Dubey continues to work on various projects within the Bhojpuri film domain, captivating audiences with her acting prowess and contributing significantly to the industry's growth and success.
For more specific information regarding her filmography, news, photos, wallpapers, and upcoming movies in 2020 and 2021, please refer to reliable entertainment news sources or her official social media channels for the most accurate and up-to-date details.