"Dishayen," an Indian television series produced by Time Magnetics and aired on DD National, unfolded a complex narrative filled with familial intrigue, relationships, and dramatic twists. Spanning from October 8, 2001, to January 18, 2005, the show graced prime-time slots on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:00 PM to 9:30 PM.
The storyline revolved around twin sisters, Neha and Nikita, each with distinctive aspirations and personalities. Nikita harbors dreams of Bollywood stardom, while Neha leads a simpler life. When their father pressures Nikita into marrying Rajive, Nikita, in a desperate move, implores Neha to assume her identity and wed Rajive, citing Neha's desire for a tranquil family life.
Following the switch, Rajive acknowledges Neha's true identity, having consented to the arrangement as he was drawn to Neha's nature. However, complications arise when the sisters' aunt exposes the switch to the groom's mother, Mrs. Gayatri, leading to Neha's expulsion from the household. Despite initial challenges, Neha gradually earns the trust and affection of her in-laws, except for her brother-in-law Sameer, a enigmatic figure within the family.
The plot thickens as a producer exploits Nikita, capturing compromising photos while she's inebriated, intending to blackmail her. Tragedy strikes when both sisters face an accident, resulting in Nikita surviving while Neha goes missing. Mistaken for Neha, Nikita adopts her sister's identity and integrates into Neha's family, navigating challenges posed by Sameer and their cousin.
Complications escalate with the revelation of Neha's survival and her return to her in-laws. Meanwhile, the arrival of Vishal, Sharma's love child from a previous relationship, brings forth familial tensions and confrontations. Amidst these intricacies, Nikita grapples with an unexpected pregnancy, leading to emotional turmoil and misunderstandings, further strained by Sameer's conflicting emotions towards Nikita.
Tragedy strikes once again, as Sameer's damaged ego leads to a fatal accident, ultimately resulting in his demise. Neha, in a critical condition after delivering twins, passes away, leaving behind a poignant and heart-wrenching conclusion.
The series wove together a tapestry of intricate relationships, misunderstandings, and emotional entanglements, exploring themes of love, sacrifice, and the complexities inherent in familial bonds. "Dishayen" captured viewers' attention with its gripping storyline, compelling character arcs, and unforeseen twists, leaving a lasting impact through its dramatic and emotionally charged narrative.
- Purbi Joshi / Pooja Ghai as Neha & Nikita (twins)(Protagonist)
- Karan Oberoi as Rajeev Gupta (Protagonist)
- Sudhanshu Pandey as Sameer Gupta/Baba/Jagmohan sharma (Antagonist) (second parallel lead)
- Reena Kapoor as Sonia (Antagonist) (second parallel lead)
- Shagufta Ali as Vidya, Sonia's mother
- Narendra Jha as Veer Pratap Singh
- Rajeev Verma as Rajat Sharma
- Smita Hai as Savitri Rajat Sharma
- Vineeta Malik as Gayatri
- Jaya Mathur as Shalini
- Dharmesh Vyas as Deepak
- Lata Sabharwal as Reema