

"Farzi" is an Indian Hindi-language black comedy crime thriller television series created, produced, and directed by Raj & DK. The series stars Shahid Kapoor, Vijay Sethupathi, Kay Kay Menon, Raashii Khanna, and Bhuvan Arora. The storyline revolves around Sunny, a disillusioned artist who, after failing to sustain his grandfather's printing press, decides to embark on a journey of making counterfeit money. His best friend, Firoz, joins him in this venture, and they encounter challenges from Mansoor, a criminal mastermind heading the counterfeit network in India, and Michael, a Special Task Force officer leading the Counterfeiting & Currency Fraud Analysis & Research Team (CCFART).

Originally conceived as a film in 2014, "Farzi" evolved into a television series by 2019. The show shares continuity with Raj & DK's spy series "The Family Man." Principal photography commenced in Mumbai in July 2021, with additional filming in Alibaug, Goa, Nepal, and Jordan. The series features a soundtrack composed by Sachin–Jigar and Tanishk Bagchi, with Ketan Sodha providing the score.

The eight-episode series premiered on Amazon Prime Video on February 10, 2023, receiving positive reviews and quickly becoming the most-watched Indian streaming series. Shahid Kapoor confirmed the show's return for a second season by the end of February 2023.

The premise of "Farzi" delves into Sunny's journey, an artist disheartened by income inequality in India, leading him to venture into counterfeiting money. Alongside his partner Firoz, they face adversaries in the form of Mansoor, a criminal mastermind, and Michael, a determined cop. The title "Farzi" reflects both the theme of counterfeiting and the inherent "fakeness" in people, as explained by co-creator Raj Nidimoru.

The main cast includes:

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