Junior G


"Junior G - The Magic Starts Now..." is an enthralling Indian superhero television drama series that debuted on November 10, 2001, airing on DD National. Directed by Ganshyam Pathak, the show embarked on the adventures of a young orphan named Gaurav Ray, whose life takes a transformative turn after an extraordinary event grants him supernatural abilities.

The narrative revolves around Gaurav, a 12-year-old orphan living with his caring uncle. However, life at his uncle's house isn't devoid of challenges as Gaurav faces mistreatment from his aunt and cousin, Rahul. Amidst these struggles, fate intervenes in an unexpected manner when Gaurav inadvertently stumbles upon a collision between two asteroids.

This fortuitous encounter bestows upon Gaurav an extraordinary ring imbued with mystical and sacred powers. This magical artifact becomes the catalyst for Gaurav's transformation into the formidable superhero known as Junior G. Empowered by the ring, Gaurav assumes this alter ego, equipped with newfound abilities and a strong sense of purpose.

Junior G's primary mission becomes clear—to combat and vanquish the malevolent forces led by the nefarious wizard known as Fyumancho. The evil wizard's actions, particularly his role in the tragic demise of Gaurav's parents, serve as the driving force behind Junior G's quest for justice and retribution.

The series follows Junior G's adventures as he navigates the dual identities of Gaurav Ray, the ordinary boy, and Junior G, the extraordinary superhero. Armed with his newfound powers and a determination to thwart evil, Junior G confronts challenges and adversaries in his quest to bring peace and justice to the world while seeking vengeance against Fyumancho for his past misdeeds.

"Junior G - The Magic Starts Now..." captivated audiences with its blend of fantasy, action, and a compelling storyline centered around empowerment, bravery, and the triumph of good over evil. Through Gaurav's transformation into Junior G, the series conveyed timeless themes of resilience, determination, and the ability of an ordinary individual to rise as a symbol of hope and heroism.


  • Amitesh Kochhar as Gaurav Ray / Junior G
  • Pramod Moutho as Fyumancho
  • Meenakshi Verma
  • KK Goswami
  • Kavi Kumar Azad
  • Peeya Rai Chowdhary
  • Mugdha Chaphekar
  • Addite Shirwaikar
  • Pranit Bhatt
  • Pradeep Kabra
  • Yogesh Tripathi
  • Banwari Lal Jhol
  • Poonam Katare

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