"Kota Factory" is an Indian Hindi-language streaming television series created by Saurabh Khanna, directed by Raghav Subbu, and produced by Arunabh Kumar for The Viral Fever (TVF). The narrative is set in Kota, Rajasthan, a renowned educational hub known for its coaching centers. The series delves into the life of 16-year-old Vaibhav, played by Mayur More, who relocates from Itarsi to Kota. It offers a portrayal of students' lives in the city, focusing on Vaibhav's endeavors to secure admission to an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) by successfully clearing the Joint Entrance Examination. The cast includes Jitendra Kumar, Ahsaas Channa, Alam Khan, Ranjan Raj, Revathi Pillai, and Urvi Singh in significant roles.
Saurabh Khanna, the show's creator, expressed the intention to shift the prevailing narrative about Kota and the preparation for IIT-JEE & NEET in Indian pop culture towards a more positive portrayal through the series. "Kota Factory" premiered simultaneously on TVFPlay and YouTube from April 16 to May 14, 2019. It garnered a generally positive response from critics, who appreciated elements such as its black-and-white setting, realism, and technical aspects.
On August 30, 2021, Netflix announced the renewal of the series for a second season, which was subsequently released on September 24, 2021. On September 26, 2021, Raghav Subbu confirmed that the third season was in development.
Main Cast
- Mayur More as Vaibhav Pandey
- Ranjan Raj as Balmukund Meena
- Alam Khan as Uday Gupta
- Jitendra Kumar as Jeetu Bhaiya
- Ahsaas Channa as Shivangi Ranawat
- Revathi Pillai as Vartika Ratawal
- Urvi Singh as Meenal Parekh
Recurring cast
- Naveen Kasturia as Dhruv
- Vipul Singh as Mahesh (interviewed)
- Rohit Sukhwani as Rohit
- Arun Kumar as Deepak
- Harish Peddinti as Bablu
- Sanyam Bafna as Aayush
- Loveleen Mishra as PG Aunty
- Jasmeet Singh Bhatia as Parminder sir
- Shivankit Singh Parihar as Awasthi sir
- Gaurav Mishra as Batla sir
- Visshesh Tiwari as Piyush
- Jyoti Gauba as Vaibhav's mother
- Amitabh Krishna Ghanekar as Vaibhav's father
- Saurabh Khanna as Vice Principal Mehta
- Deepak Kumar Mishra as Autowala
- Sameer Saxena as Maheshwari sir
- Vaibhav Thakkar as Shushrut Patel
- Abhaya Sharma as Vernali
- Rajesh Kumar as Gagan Rastogi