"Special Ops" is an Indian Hindi-language action espionage thriller web series produced for Hotstar Specials. The series was created and directed by Neeraj Pandey, with Shivam Nair serving credits for co-direction. Neeraj Pandey, under his production house Friday Storytellers, produced the series to provide content for the digital medium. The narrative revolves around Himmat Singh, played by Kay Kay Menon, a member of the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). Himmat Singh forms a team of five agents to track down a mastermind responsible for various terror attacks in India.
The conceptualization of the script began in late 2010, with the original plan to air the series on Star Plus, though this did not materialize at the time. The project was later revived in August 2019. The series was shot in India, with some scenes filmed in Turkey, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Azerbaijan. Cinematography and editing were handled by Sudheer Palsane, Arvind Singh, and Praveen Kathikuloth, while Advait Nemlekar composed the background score.
"Special Ops" was released on Hotstar on March 17, 2020, and received a positive response from critics. It garnered eight nominations at the inaugural Filmfare OTT Awards, winning three of them. The success of the series led to the creation of a franchise, with the second installment titled "Special Ops 1.5: The Himmat Story" released on November 12, 2021.
The series follows Himmat Singh, who identifies similar patterns in terrorist attacks and is convinced that a single person is behind all the incidents. His task force, consisting of five agents residing in various parts of the world, is determined to capture the mastermind.