"Breathe" is an Indian crime drama thriller television series that premiered on Amazon Video on January 26, 2018. Produced by Amazon Prime Video, it is the platform's second Indian original series, following 2017's "Inside Edge." The show features a star-studded cast including R. Madhavan, Amit Sadh, Hrishikesh Joshi, Sapna Pabbi, Atharva Vishwakarma, and Neena Kulkarni.
The plot revolves around two desperate and determined men who find themselves entangled in the ultimate cat-and-mouse game as they strive to save the person they love. The narrative is characterized by a dying child and a series of relentless killings, exploring the lengths one might go to for the sake of their loved ones.
The success of "Breathe" led to the creation of a sequel titled "Breathe: Into the Shadows." This follow-up series, starring Abhishek Bachchan alongside Amit Sadh and Nithya Menen, premiered on Amazon Prime Video on July 10, 2020.
In terms of reception, reviews have been mixed. Rohan Naahar of Hindustan Times described it as "the single weirdest show on TV," drawing comparisons to the work of Japanese author Keigo Higashino and the filmmaking style of Anurag Kashyap. Vikram Johri, writing for Scroll.in, pointed out the potential challenge for viewers in accepting R. Madhavan as a cold-blooded killer but praised the actor's ability to navigate the contrast between tenderness and ruthlessness with finesse. However, Shivangi Jalan from The Indian Express found the initial episodes slow-paced, expressing that even scenes featuring both Sadh and Madhavan lacked the expected weight for a thriller.
Overall, "Breathe" has been recognized for its unique storyline and performances, even as it garnered varying responses to its pacing and character portrayals. The success of the series led to the production of a sequel, expanding the narrative and maintaining its position in the crime drama genre on the Amazon Prime Video platform.